Click the video below and learn how to master YOUR OWN energy for less stress, more joy and a higher vibrational life!

(normally $57)

Want the COMPLETE A-Z blueprint to master your ENERGY and start ditching stress & anxiety — today?

Energy Blueprint (normally $57)

Imagine this…

✅ You’re so intuitively connected to your energy that you know exactly how to release stress, anxiety and negativity on the spot!

✅ You’ve stopped absorbing overwhelming emotions because you have a full toolbox of SIMPLE energetic protective practices that you call in whenever you need!

✅ You’re so freaking resilient that you start your days saying “YES, let’s do thissss!”

The Blueprint is for you if you’re ready to...

  • Intuitively connect with your own unique energy system and show up strong and resilient in this chaotic world

  • Identify and release your body of the stored stress, anxiety and emotions that have been keeping you “stuck”

  • Learn powerful protective techniques to shield yourself from difficult people and challenging situations

  • Develop an understanding of the Chakra system so that you can realign and rebalance your energy every single day or whenever specific “issues” arise

What students are saying

What to expect inside the course

What to expect inside the course

The coursework inside of the Blueprint is based on my personal journey of self-healing AND the journeys of my Reiki and holistic health coaching clients...

All of whom have implemented these same practices to transform their lives in powerful ways.

And YOU can too!

The Lessons

Module 1: What is Energy? ✨

Energy is everything! Including us humans. Our energy body is a system of subtle unseen energy that surrounds us, and flows through us via organized pathways..

Module 2: Connect with Your Energy ✨

Rediscover how to sense and connect with your energy! You'll learn to feel energy and identify any places in your body that may be storing "stuck" or stagnant energy.

Module 3: Clear Your Energy ✨

Now it’s time to clear your energy of stored stress, anxiety, pain and emotions! Learn simple practices that you can call on at any time.

Module 4: Align Your Energy ✨

Develop an understanding of energetic alignment and the chakra system, while learning a simple practice to realign your energy.

Module 5: Protect Your Energy with Boundaries ✨

Your energy is your suit of armor! Learn energetic boundary practices to shield your energy field from people and outside vibrations so that you are more resilient each and every day.

Module 6: Ground Your Energy ✨

Learn simple daily practices for grounding your energy to the calming, centering energy of the earth.

BONUS: Working with Crystal Energy ✨

In this bonus module you'll dive into understanding crystals and their healing benefits so that you can add them to your energy practices if you choose!

RESOURCES: Cheat Sheets & Guides ✨

You’ll receive an Energy Practices Quick Guide as a helpful reference for when to use each tool. You’ll also receive a Chakra Cheat Sheet that maps out where your energy centers are located and which centers relate to specific “issues” that may arise in your life.

More Client Wins

Are you ready?…

To watch daily stress and overwhelm bounce right off of you?

To quit absorbing people’s energy like a sponge?

To stop taking on the emotions around you as if they’re your own?

My friend, with the gentle soul and sensitive nervous system, I feel you and I understand you! You are unique in the way that you process the world.

BUT — It doesn’t have to be harder just because you feel deeper.

You just need to protect your energy!

Your energy is the magic pill that keeps you SO in control of your own space that the chaos and overwhelm just bounce right off of you! The stress and worries around you no longer matter.

Because here’s the thing. Stressful experiences get stored in your energy, even after the moment has passed….

So, if you’re not releasing them from your body, and protecting yourself from future occurrences, you’re leaving your metaphorical front door wide open!

The GOOD thing is though — with proper energetic protection practices you can:

  • Become so freaking resilient that you’ll be starting your days saying “YES, let’s do thissss!…”

  • Feel excited to face the world and "say “Overwhelm, WHO??”

  • Shield yourself and release stress, anxiety and negativity on the spot, whenever you need!

And my mission is to teach you how to do this…

All in a way that is incredibly EASY. 🫶🏼

I’ll walk you through it step-by-step in the Blueprint.

You can take back your POWER

As an Empath & sensitive person...

I spent 12 years in a career that was NOT aligned with my soul. I was a reality TV director having to show up loud and in charge, exposing my energy to brand new personalities and challenging people every single day.

I was running my body into the ground. In and out of burnout, constant stress and mystery sicknesses that I just couldn’t kick... It took me a lot of trial and error to finally find a solution and begin healing.

My aha moment though was when I woke up one day and realized that I myself was causing all of it. I was completely neglecting my ENERGY. This was something at the time, I didn’t even know I had. But, once I learned about it, and how to use it to my advantage, my entire life changed.

I made this course to help you avoid burning out as a sensitive Empath and start protecting your SUPERPOWER - your energy!


  • The Blueprint includes more than an hour of educational video modules and instructional practices, as well as written lessons, pdf worksheets and bonuses to supplement your learning.

  • At this time, videos can only be accessed via the online portal for copyright purposes. Once you enroll, you will receive an email with login information to access the course portal immediately. Sometimes the email goes to spam or junk so please check those if you don’t see it right away.

    Feel free to email us at if you had any trouble locating the email and course.

  • Yes! The goal of this course is to teach you exactly how to work with your own energy via simple practices and rituals. I teach these tools to my clients who have all had wonderful results implementing them in their every day lives. I encourage you to pass them along to your clients as well!